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Coaching Services

Do you realize that you are the COACH and the TEAM? YOU call the plays, YOU execute the moves, YOU score your progress and then at times we find ourselves going back to the drawing board coming up EMPTY. This is when Coaching for Life comes in Play. We help life stay "GREEN". This means we work towards growth, living a quality life and success through self-actualization and facilitated rebirth when needed. BEE GREEN does this through several categories of driven self-discovery. WE plan and execute together for better outcomes. NO more feelings of emptiness, no answers and no knowledge to grow. BEE GREEN Coaching for life is a composite of skill building, emotional awareness, succession for longevity and success through Happiness created by YOU..

Our Services



This area of service is all about the internal YOU. Confidence building, self-esteem work, self-discovery, identifying self-defeating habits and learning PURPOSE to facilitate overall happiness.



WE all battle stress and anxiety daily. The question becomes DISCOVERY.... Where, when, how and WHY we battle this so often. WE will work on how to better cope or alleviate triggers for this hinderance. This service strives to identify and learn better ways to cope through adjusting the MINDSET of the individual to promote Happiness.



Describe your service here. What makes it great? Use short catchy text to tell people what you offer, and the benefits they will receive. A great description gets readers in the mood, and makes them more likely to go ahead and book.

Coaching Menu

Bi-Weekly sessions are designed for the individual. Sessions will be 45 to 60 minutes.

Coaching packages include but not limited to the following: 

$25.00 per session (minimum package = 8 sessions) 4 months 

Packages are altered for multiple participants and will be reviewed at intake


Resource materials to help with the journey of understanding.

Ongoing open communication styles

Weekly calls




Support system 

Follow up contact

Free session 90 days after services have terminated

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